Blog #5: Republican Motherhood

What role did the Revolutionary War play in the transformation of housewifery to Republican Motherhood?
           Women's roles as mothers changed as they became more politically important. A woman's duty was to raise her children, especially sons, to have a civic interest and participation, and to educate them and guide culture. Mrs. A.J. Graves states that "she can best serve her country, by training up good citizens, just, humane, and enlightened legislators".

What were the consequences of Republican Motherhood on women?
          Although women had still had little rights and were seen as belonging in the home, women became more educated than in the past. According to Benjamin Rush, they were expected to "have a knowledge of the English language...the writing of a fair and legible hand... some knowledge of figures and bookkeeping... an acquaintance with geography and some instruction in chronology".

What is the significance of the ideology of Republican Motherhood as a stage in the process of women’s socialization?
          Women's roles were in the home and their was an increased focus on the importance of motherhood. It was seen as natural and according to God's will for a woman to be a housewife and mother, as Mrs. A.J. Graves explained.

Describe the Setting: 
Mary sits on a couch and her two young sons sit on her lap and stand by her side.
Who serves at the center of the portrait and why?  How does the woman look?  How is she “republican” rather than aristocratic?
Mary is at the center of the portrait. She is plainly yet elegantly dressed and has a humble but proud look on her face. She looks republican rather than aristocratic because of the simplicity of her clothes and hairstyle.
What values do her sons exhibit?
Her sons look as though they value their mother and are obedient to her. Her older son stands proudly next to her and the younger sits on her lap.
Is there a significance to the position of Mrs. Tilgham’s arm?
Her arm is positioned in front of her younger son as if to prevent him from squirming. This shows her fulfilling her duties as a mother by displaying attentiveness towards her sons.
Women in the 1960's protested to gain rights that were taken away by their husbands. The idea that a woman's place was in the house was intensified during the Republican Motherhood movement.
