LAD/Blog #11: Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was written in response to multiple messages from European leaders to the United States Government wanting to discuss the rights and interests of two nations in the Americas. The overall message of the Monroe Doctrine is that the United States of America should stay neutral on most matters except the oppression of other independent American Nations. If the nation is not independent, America will not interfere, and should leave the politics to turn out as they will. All the same, Europe should refrain from meddling in politics in the Americas and should no longer colonize land in the America's. No matter whether a nation feels they are benefitting an American country by shaping its government after its own, it is not the place of outsiders, and people of the said American nation should develop their own policies.
The Cold War went against the Monroe Doctrine as the US and the USSR tried to instill their ideals into developing governments such as in Korea and Vietnam.
